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제 10 호 Mid-Summer of 2021

  • 작성일 2021-05-27
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 14674


Mid-Summer of 2021

by Yoo-Jung Kim, Editor-In-Chief


June, the time of publication of this article, is the month when all the final exams are held and the end of the semester exists. We think Sangmyung University students must have had a hard time preparing for the final exam. Of course, there will be students who are resting or preparing to get a job during summer vacation after the exam. In various situations, I would like to introduce wise words to my colleagues at Sangmyung University and tell them to cheer up. 

1. "Lord, let me do my best what I can and give me the courage to give up what I can't do, and give me the wisdom to distinguish the two." - St. Francis' prayer. 

People can't be good at everything. Each person has his or her own characteristics, and there are things he or she can do well and cannot do well. I hope all of our Sangmyung University students will recognize this and do their best to do well without being frustrated. I sincerely hope that many students can find their dreams quickly and work hard for them.

2. God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try. - Mother Teresa

The goals that Sangmyung University student study will all be different. The goals are different and the degree of success afterwards may vary. I hope our friends don't meet other people's standards of success. I think it's important to try and hope to walk your own way.

It's a short saying, but it gives us strength and makes us think a lot. I sincerely hope that students of Sangmyung University will have a lot of time to think or study for themselves during summer vacation. Let's be a student of Sangmyung University who prepares for the future with strength.

Yoo-Jung Kim, Editor-in-Chief